Posts tagged with "orange"

Introducing this week's guest blogger, 6 year old Lottie! She was my chief taster for a new range of fruit tea for children - Tweetea. The range of fruit teas (with fun, colourful packaging) were born from the lack of options when kids go to cafes with their parents. So here's an alternative, healthier option from the sugary fruit juices or super sweet hot chocolate. So what did Lottie think . . .
Tuesday Tea Tasting It feels like an Earl Grey kinda day... Looking luxurious, Jadu Tea fits the bill with their Mademoiselle Grey (Great Taste Award 2015). The Sri Lankan Uva black tea leaves are peppered with lemon peel, orange peel, lemongrass and fiery red cornflowers - so pretty you almost don't want to add hot water (but do). The taste is your classic earl, with delicate hints of orange - I'd say it needs a long brew for a nice strong flavour. With or without milk...basically as you...
Amanzi Tea is in the posh part of London, so it is an unsurprisingly smart modern day teahouse. The walls are lined with tubes of tealeaves, and the staff are busy making tea cocktails, chais, lattes and frappés, and for me, a hot brew. My Orange Truffle Rooibos was a blend of chocolate, orange and orange blossom and a totally delicious, indulgent, colourful cuppa.